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Professor Mahmud Shah Qureshi

Awarded Ekushe Padok,Ex Director General Bangla Academy
Chevalier Dans I'Ordre des Palmes Academiques- 1976.
Officier dans I'Ordre des Palmes Academieques - 1992
L'ordre des Arts et des Lettres, au grade d'Officier - 1992,
Legion d' honneur, 2006.


Professor Mahmud Shah Qureshi was born October 12th, 1936 in Chittagong in a respected Muslim family. He is the eldest son of Late Alhajj Rafique Ahmed Quereshi & Mohtaremma Mostafa Khanum of Kazi Bari, Nozorertila, Ranguinia, Chittagong. In December 27th, 1970 he got married to Syeda Quamar Jabeen (Nasreen). His childhood spent in Rangoon, Burma. His family moved to the village home at Rangunia from chittagong town in 1941 due to the World War II.


Professor Mahmud Shah Qureshi passed his Matriculation examination from Government Muslim High School, Chittagong & Rangunia H.E. School and faced the High certificate in Arts from Chittagong College, Sir Ashutosh College. Then, he persued his B.A. (Hons.) in Bengali with General English, English literature & Political science as subsidiary subjects from University of Dhaka. He completed his M.A in Begali language and literature also obtained French Certificate from Department of International Relations, Dhaka University. In 1959-1960, he received French Government Post-graduate Scholarship to study at the University of Paris(Sorbonne); obtained two certificates on French language studies, also enrolled for univerisity doctorate degree under supervisor Professor Louis Renou. He studied Linguistic and continued doctoral research, obtained two certificates of Phonetics and passed pre-doctorate examination. In 1965 he obtained the degree of Docteur de Université de Paris with highest distinction (mention trés honorable).